Our PLANET System PRO® self-audit highlighted that we are doing pretty well in the areas of [i.e. Environmental Scope 1+2 understanding + action] and [i.e. Employee stewardship], and we are proud of the following initiatives that are in place:

  • [Initiative A]
  • [Initiative B]
  • [Initiative C]

However, we have a lot of work still to do, particularly in the areas of [i.e. Environmental Scope 3 understanding + action], [i.e. Customer engagement], and [i.e. Community engagement].

So we are now focused on achieving the following by (no later than) the end of 2024:

  • [Initiative A]
  • [Initiative B]
  • [Initiative C]
  • [Initiative D]
  • [Initiative E]
  • [Initiative F]

Our longer-term strategy also includes:

  • [Initiative A]
  • [Initiative B]
  • [Initiative C]
  • [Initiative D]
  • [Initiative E]
  • [Initiative F]

And it is our ambition to be [Accreditation Programme i.e. B Corp] certified by [Date x].

For more details on The PLANET System process, visit: